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kenapa HARUS PELIKKKK :( ,, kenapa harus SAKIT :(
selamt sejhtera kwn2xx ucukk ,, ary nie ucukk g sekolh aw ,, pastoo dekt tngn ucukk nie ad ucukk conteng pki inai ,, kwn2 ucukk pelikkk ?? pelikkk sebb ucukk tuils "ucukk" heheh :) ,, tapi dia owng fkir busukk ,, hahah ,, tergelakk ucukk diwt nye ,, ehehh :)
tadi dekat sekolh ucukk dah mula deman ,, badan ucukk pns ,, selesama ,, mcm2xx lgi la ,, ucukk coll makk ucukk ,, kate yg ucukk deman semua ,, makk ucukk kata mintaa penadol lw cikgu ad ?? tapi bila ucukk mintaa cikgu ucukk kata "cikgu takk boleh bag sebab takort t balikk trjdi pape and takort di slhkn " ucukk dgr btoll jga pe yg cikgu ckp ,, ahhahah :) ,, so ucukk trpksa than la smpi balikkk ,, and nsb baekkk ayh ucukk ada penadol ,, tapi smpi uma ucukk xtmkn penadol too ,, ehheheh :D ,, pastoo ucukk pening gler ucukk tdo la ,, serius ucukk sejukk gler :( ,, buw now dah mam penadol rse nye oke kort ?? just sejukkk je skunk :P
oke la , smpi sini sje ucukk nk bg thu ,, ehheheh :) ,, bye2xx
thax 4 read sweet :D

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